Thursday, October 18, 2007

THe future of the card game I play

It has come to my attention that most of the WWE Raw Deal players (or at least a good portion of then) believe that the next expansion set will be the final set for the game. That scares me. For me, Raw Deal brought me friends. It gave me that sense of fitting in when I go to tournaments. I hate to say it but I don't feel like i fit in anywhere except around my card playing friends. I know in my heart that people that don't understand who I am and why cards are so important to me sit back and make fun of me. It was proven when people asked me to bring my cards into class so people knew what I was talking about. If people understood me and go to know me then maybe it would be obvious as to why this scares me. For about 4 or 5 years now, Raw Deal has been a major part of my life. It has made me who I am today. Through the people that I have met and become friends with, it has really shaped me into a good person. Of course no one would know this because not a single person gives me a chance to show I'm a great person but thats besides the point. If this is the end of Raw Deal in its entirety, then I will go down with it. I have put enough time and effort into it and I will still play when the game dies off. If it is announced that the next set is the last set to be released I will be majorly hurt. I will still buy the set and have fun. The game brought me up and im holding on until the very end!

What to do....

It has come apparent to me that if I go to people and ask for advice on problems that they truly don't care. It is becoming painfully obvious that people just shrug it off and think it is all OK. If I go to someone and ask for help there is usually a reason I ask for it. I don't just ask for advice to have something to do. Yes, it's one thing if I would do it all the time but I don't. if I would then I would understand why people just don't care. I'm just getting sick of people thinking that I don't need help with things. Like for instance, I'm not the best writer when it comes to big papers. So my senior year we had to write this big long research paper. I told my teacher that I didn't understand how to go about doing this and she just played it off like it was my fault and I'll just make it through. Granted I did pass the paper, but I got C on it. This is still going on today. I'm not just trying to point out one area, and that being school. It happens at home, too. I don't know how to do certain things at home so I ask for help. I usually get yelled at and told just do it. Then when I don't do it right I get in even more trouble. I'm just not sure what I'm going to do. How am I supposed to succeed in life if when I ask for help to understand tings I just get told no or get ignored? I'm tired of being ignored. I'm tired of not getting help when I need it. I'm just not sure where to go from here. I know that where ever my life takes me I have to look at it as a challenge. I will attempt to overcome all of the challenges, but I do have this odd feeling that sooner or later I will find a challenge that I cant over come. Until then, and i hate to quote John Cena, I won't back down and I won't quit (even though I probably should!).

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The best night of my far anyway.

About a month ago i recieved a call from one of my close friends in Fort Wayne. He told me that WWE would be having a show at the Coliseum on Sunday September 23rd. I was immediately excited and wanted to go. I didn't want to go alone though so I tried to ask everyone that I knew who liked wrestling. Finally, I talked to Javi (who ive spoken about in past posts) and he said that he and his wife, Kim, would love to go. As soon as they told me this I got on and checked the availability of tickets. The best seats were $40 each. We decided that was not a problem, so we ordered the tickets. I was skeptical at first about how "good" these seats would be. They were in Section 110 and we had seats 6 through 8. When I looked at what I THOUGHT was the seating chart they looked awesome. I came to find out that they weren't very close to the ring...but hey I was going right??? About a week before the show, I found the real seating chart and it said we were close to the entrance ramp which was awesome. The night before the show, I went to Jav's house to stay there so we could go early and maybe be able to eat lunch with a wrestler. We ended up not leaving early and decided to just go to the Coliseum and wait for the doors to open. As we stood outside of the big glass doors that lead to the arena, we noticed there was a large crowd of people upstairs waiting. We decided to go up and we saw John Cena (the WWE champion...unfortunately) signing autographs. Of course he wasn't IN the crowd...he was in another room but a guy came out and sold the autographed photos. Once the doors opened we went and bought our souvenirs. I got a new Triple H t-shirt and a new DX t-shirt (which you will see me wear from time to time). Once we did that we went to find our seats. We were a section away from the barricade right next to the entrance ramp. What was very cool was once the show started they allowed us to move RIGHT NEXT TO THE ENTRANCE! It was the most amazing thing ever. The matches weren't bad but some I didn't care about so I didn't watch them. Then...the time was Carlito taking on....TRIPLE H! His music hit and i went NUTS! I didn't think he was that big. He won the match and on his way to the backstage area was shaking hands with the fans. I had to shake his hand...I knew I had to jump past Javi who was in the way. When Trips got right near us Javi moved and pushed me in front and I got to shake his hand. I was so wouldn't even understand. Then he started talking to someone in our row. He was saying, "Let me see your glow in the dark DX sticks. Trust me...I promise....I will bring them right back." At that moment i realized something....the only person in the ENTIRE section we were in that had those sticks was.....KIM! He posed with the sticks up in an "X" and gave them right back. It was the coolest thing I have ever seen. Luckily we got some pictures of the whole thing and a guy behind me took a video of it and emailed it to me. That moment will always be with me for as long as I live. It is a once in a lifetime experience. It made my day...and really made me a LOT happier than I've been recently.

To the Board of Directors

Dear Library board of Directors,
It has come to my attention that you pan to remove any books that are "questionable" from your book shelves. This plan of action really concerns me. Every person in entitled to his or her own opinion. One book may be "questionable" to one person, but loved by another. No book can correctly be tagged as questionable due to all people having their own points of view on any given book. Some of these books may also be able to help people do research. If a student would need a book on a certain topic and they go to find out it was removed because people found it to be "questionable" the student may be out of luck. I know I wouldn't want to spend around twenty or thirty dollars on a book at the bookstore if I'm only going to use it once in my life.
If you remove the books that you think are questionable, it could in turn come back to haunt you as people may not want to use the library. People may think that if the book that they need will no longer be on your shelves then they just won't come to take books out anymore. Some of the books may be very beneficial. If anything, i suggest that you place an age limit on the people that can see these books. For instance, if a book has too many sexual references or swearing in it, then maybe it should only be allowed to be checked out or looked at if a person is over the age of 18. Don't take away things can help some people out just because some people think that the things are wrong. Don't punish all people for the actions of a few. Thank you for your time and I hope you take my thoughts into consideration.

Kyle Nester

Thursday, September 20, 2007

My game room

I have one room that is pretty much all to myself. It is called the "Play Room" to people like my sister and parents. To me though it's "The Ultimate Man Room". The room itself is fairly large. To give you a rough idea, I'd say it's a little bit bigger than the Writing Lab here at NWSCC. The roof on that side of the house is extended and angled, so we can get a big screen for a big football game or one of my wrestling pay-per-view parties...although that rarely happens. The room has a total of 5 windows and a sliding glass door at the back leading to my back yard where the pool and trampoline are both located. On the front side of the room I have my T.V. with my Xbox 360 hooked up on that. It sits on a corner shelf that was built into the wall to hold all my DVDs, VHS tapes, video games and all the accessories for the Xbox. Underneath that stand, in another compartment, i have a stereo system and (if i could hook it all up) a surround sound system. The couch is about 5 ft away from the T.V. so you can get the relaxed feel when you play video games and you don't need to worry about the controller cord getting messed up. The end table at the side of the couch holds sports mags and a few books, but most of the books are located on my 2 book shelves at the back of the room. I have a glass/wooden stand that holds all of my cards (WWE Raw Deal, Texas Hold Em set, etc). That sits to the right of the couch along the wall. At the back room, my mom decided to put a cabinet with some of her stuff in there. I don't know the contents of the cabinet and would prefer not to. It never gets opened because I feel it would ruin the atmosphere. I have a card area set up towards the back of the room. There my friends and i play Raw Deal and Poker mostly, but it is also used for my homework and reading. I also have my computer conveniently located straight across from that card area so if anyone needs to ask questions on cards or rules we can look them up easily. In the back corners of of the room are 2 closets. One is mine while the others is my sister's (once again i don't open hers and she knows not to leave it open because of the severe PAIN it would cause me to see her things in MY ROOM). She has her Barbies and dolls in a big stand up sorted cabinet, but it's always closed. Along with that she has her cradle with her stuffed animals, but i keep it covered up with a blanket so no one sees it! My closet contains all of my toys and games from my young days. I have all the board games like Monopoly and SORRY! in there along with my Batman figures, wrestling figures, and just some other random toys. There are 2 doors leading into the rest of the house (one is blocked by a chair though). My dog's cages are also in the room with me, but we clean them often so the room doesn't smell like dog! The walls (unfortunately for me) are covered with my step-dad's Cleveland Browns memorabilia. Some of it is really neat (like the Bernie Kosar poster) but I think it needs to all be replaced by OSU and Indianapolis Colts stuff. So there you have it. The room that when I am there becomes my playground. The one place where i feel like i fit in and can have fun without people making fun of me!

...And then it all came crashing down.

So i just need to vent out some frustrations here. Recently, my life as i know it has slowly fallen apart. My mom isn't doing so well and my Grandma has cancer. Watching both of them suffer is really starting to get to me.

In my first post on here i also told you all about my girlfriend, Alyssa. About a week or so ago she left me. It would have been 9 months this coming Saturday. She said she was too stressed and didn't know how much longer she could be OK with our relationship. I didn't want to be selfish so i said it was OK and i understood. In reality it has really destroyed me.

Most of you here don't even pay attention to me but i figure MAYBE someone will read this and care. I don't have friends around here and i hate it. I'm just scared to talk to anyone because i get made fun of all the time. I wish i could find a girl that likes me for who i am and is willing to give me a chance. I really don't think I'm supposed to find anyone. I see myself dying alone, in my bed when I'm like 85 years old and i don't want that. I just wish i could feel like most people do. I wish i was accepted and had friends. If anyone reading this wants a friend let me know. It would be cool to get to know all of you....and maybe....feel like i belong...and find someone who likes me for who i am.....but who knows right?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Why do people judge?

I have something that i just need to get off my chest. This has been eating away at me for quite some time.

There are things in life that I hate about how other people act. One of those things that i greatly dislike is how people judge others before they give a person a chance. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular, but it really bugs me.

For example, there are parts of my life that I don't like at all and I don't normally talk about them. I've been judged most of my life because of these things. (If you want to know about these things just ask and I will fill you in). I'm not a bad guy and I've never done anything horribly wrong. I just don't see why people don't take the time to get to know me and because of past actions they think of me in certain ways. I've never really had friends and it just really sucked that people judged me. I wish i could have said that on Friday nights i "went with the guys" to a football game. I wish i would have gone to homecoming more than just my senior year of high school. I wish people would have looked deeper and found out that I'm actually a really nice guy. I wish that people would take a chance to get to know others before they judge them. Some fo the best guys are over looked because of how they act in public, how they dress, o rhow much money they have.

Don't take this as I'm trying to make people feel sorry for me. That's the last thing I want. I just want people to stop judging others because of how they look, act, or past actions that some people may think are "un-cool". However, I don't think that will ever happen because there are too many stereotypes that people use to judge others.